Home Write For Us

Write For Us is always looking forward to new and skillful writers who can write for us and make our site grow more and more.

Write For Us

Our write for us program:

We welcome people who write unique content and if you think that you have that ability then what are you waiting for? Send us your samples. I am gonna share some guidelines that can help you to enhance the quality of your content.

  • The content should contain 700 words.
  • The content should be written in simple words and it should be precise.
  • Dont copy and paste from other sites/.
  • Avoid grammatical mistakes and also avoid passive sentences.
  • Use keywords in your articles.
  • Search at least 7 sites before writing your own article.
  • Write in such a manner that grabs the attention of readers.

Important note:

We highly appreciate new people writing for us but it’s our rule that we can’t accept the work that is copy pasted. We simply detect plagiarism and reject that article so if you want to get selected your article should be unique and written in your own words. If we will like your work you will explain an email in 1-2 days and if you want then you have to come with more impressive work next time.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with us at