Do you want to promote your company more quickly?

Do you want to communicate with hundreds or even thousands of people simultaneously?

Are you seeking a solution that can deliver warnings, communicate marketing messages, and operate with huge audiences?

Your troubles may all be solved with one easy solution: SMS Blast.

Do you know how to utilize the SMS blast service, how much it costs, and what it is used for, though?

I will go into detail on every aspect of the SMS blast service today.

Let’s start now.

What Is SMS Blast?

SMS blasts employ a single click to send a single text message to thousands of users or prospects at once.

Customers have confirmed in several polls that 98% of SMS messages are opened.

People are more likely to get information by text message than via a smartphone since SMS is compatible with all mobile devices.

Sending text messages or SMS from an SMS platform, such as GetitSMS, to thousands of people at once is known as an “SMS blast.” The use of SMS blast marketing, also known as text blast marketing, is a terrific way to advertise a company by spreading brand awareness and disseminating offers, updates, and emergency notifications.

Compared to other message channels, SMS has a high open rate and high response rate.

SMS marketing is a fantastic approach to communicate with current users as well as draw in new customers and upsell them.

Email marketing also involves text message marketing, however, SMS marketing has a 98% open rate and a good response rate whereas email marketing has a 20% open rate.

90% of SMS messages are read within 3 minutes after delivery, according to data on SMS read-time. That implies that a marketer’s first choice is to use SMS marketing.

Bulk SMS service providers, such as GetitSMS, serve as a conduit between businesses and mobile customers to send SMS messages.

Essentials To Run a Successful SMS Blast Campaign:


You must have the client’s consent before you can send them an SMS. Give your users the option to subscribe, opt-out of receiving communications from you, or both at any time.

Before the SMS blast campaign, for instance, you may offer a signup or opt-in option.


Before sending out SMS blast campaigns, keep in mind how frequently people text. Because using excessive communication might be difficult.

It is believed that there should be 4–8 promotional messages sent every month, according to research. Customers who get too many communications from a business may become angry and less inclined to buy the product.


Verify the message’s clarity with the recipient before sending an SMS blast. The customer should understand why they choose the service and how much text they would receive after they sign up.

For instance: To receive our sale offer, send up to 4 SMS every month.


The SMS blast’s timing is crucial. There is no set rule for this, but you should consider when your customer would wish to accept and read an SMS immediately.

Would you appreciate it if a new offer to buy groceries woke you up at three in the morning? The primitive to the SMS Blast campaign is making sure to target your audience at the appropriate moment. SMS 2 Way is a kind of program or service that enables Two-Way text messaging or text message sending and receiving.


As you are aware, an SMS may include up to 160 characters. Make your SMS Blast clear, informative, and simple to read for all users.

Short and straightforward sentences will better interest your audience.

Take this Friday’s exclusive special deal for members, for instance. Only in-store, use this text to receive a 15% discount. For the deal, stop by the shop. To stop, click “STOP.”

Why send SMS Blast?

Using SMS Blast as a marketing channel is an outstanding strategy for seasoned marketers because SMS messages are currently a terrific way to communicate with your customers.

High open and read rates make SMS blast service a popular and efficient way for companies to expand and introduce themselves to new customers.

An SMS Blast aids in brand promotion for your company by enhancing sales and brand recognition.

Research shows that 68% of individuals regularly use a gadget that can support email and messaging apps. Additionally, 75% of SMS blast recipients said they like getting marketing offers through SMS.

91% of mobile phone users keep their gadgets within arm’s reach at all times. A marketer chose that recipient to increase brand recognition through the SMS blast.

Data show that the SMS blast service is far more successful than TV advertising, which has a daily reach of 80%. Only 59% of the content is disseminated by radio, 49% via the internet, and 13% is printed in print media. The analysis of this data reveals that SMS blasts are the most dependable and efficient marketing method.

The user of SMS blast can text back in response to the text message. When it comes to reading rates, 90% of SMS are read within 3 minutes of delivery, compared to 29% for tweets and 12% for Facebook postings.

Coca-Cola allocates 70% of its mobile marketing spend on SMS blasting for this reason.

How to send SMS Blast:

You need a phone database and a bulk SMS service provider with the capacity to send bulk messages in order to send the SMS blast.

Build or import your list

Write your SMS blast

Click send

For simple and economical bulk SMS services, go to


Because of its high demand among businesses, SMS Blast is the marketing channel that has shown to be the most effective overall. With fantastic deals and perks, GetitSMS gives you the finest solution for bulk SMS services as well as much more.

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